Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"The import android.support.v7 cannot be resolved" and "ActionBarActivity cannot be resolved to a type"

It's a common error "The import android.support.v7 cannot be resolved" on import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity; and "ActionBarActivity cannot be resolved to a type" on extends ActionBarActivity. It may be various reason to cause it. One of the reason is the auto-generated project appcompat_v7 closed.

Please check the video:


  1. Thank for the tips, I'm not native english but it's quite understandable and helpful

  2. I have run into the save problem and tried what the video suggests unfortunately when I left mouse click on project appcompat_v7 in eclipse the "open project" menu option is not there... any idea what is wrong with my setup

  3. Thak you, It helps me to solve my problem!
