Thursday, December 24, 2015

Modified BluetoothLeGatt sample connect AT-09 (Bluetooth LE Module)

It's same code in "Connect HM-10 (BLE Module) to Android device, with BluetoothLeGatt sample project", to connect to AT-09 instead of HM-10.

According to the selling, AT-09 compatible with HM-10 (pin-to-pin NOT compatible). So the modified BluetoothLeGatt sample can connect to AT-09 also.

In my test, I tried to send AT command to AT-09 via FTDI adapter, but no respond returned! Actually I haven't received anything from AT-09/FTDI. It may be something wrong on my AT-09 sample, or on AT-09 TX - FTDI Adapter RX path, or may be somethong wrong on me!

According to Anonymous comment:
AT-09 is actually BLE-CC41-A module.
They need {CR}{LF} after AT command.

details please check the link in the comment.


  1. AT-09 is actually BLE-CC41-A module.
    They need {CR}{LF} after AT command.

  2. thx for your comment:)
    Will check it later.

  3. I have a problem with this, my modified app doesn't recognize the at 09 ble module, i control the codes and they are correct... any ideas about the solution? The module is recognizeble from other ble app
