Friday, February 26, 2016

Murach's Android Programming (2nd Edition)

Want to learn how to develop Android apps? Then don't miss our new book: Murach's Android Programming (2nd Edition). It teaches you how to develop high-quality apps like the ones you can find in the Google Play store. The only prerequisite is a basic knowledge of Java. Everything else, including software installation, is covered.

Murach's Android Programming (2nd Edition)

To start, this book shows the Android Studio and Java skills you need to develop a Tip Calculator app for a smartphone or tablet. Then, it expands upon this app to show must-have Android skills such as working with layouts, widgets, events, themes, styles, menus, preferences, and fragments. Next, this book presents two more apps that illustrate Android skills programmers use every day, such as working with threads, files, adapters, intents, services, notifications, broadcast receivers, SQLite databases, content providers, and app widgets. Finally, this book presents an app that uses the Google Maps API and shows you how to submit your finished apps to the Google Play store.

The real-world apps let you see how the skills you're learning work together, and they illustrate how and when you'd use each skill. And all the content is presented in Murach's distinctive paired-pages style that developers find so clear and time-saving for both training and reference.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Android Support Library 23.2

The Android Support Library 23.2 brings brand new libraries in the form of support-vector-drawable and animated-vector-drawable as well as important updates to existing libraries such as extended support for VectorDrawableCompat throughout AppCompat, a new Theme.AppCompat.DayNight, a bottom sheet behavior in the Design Library, MediaBrowserServiceCompat and MediaBrowserCompat for media apps using Support v4, and improvements to the GuidedStepFragment in the Android TV Leanback library. Not to mention important updates to RecyclerView and new features to Custom Tabs - read the blog post for all the details:

Monday, February 22, 2016

Remix OS for PC - The Next Evolution of Android PC

Remix OS for PC is Built on the Android-x86 project, to run Android on PC.

Remix OS for PC Preview - Run Android on a Mac and PC! - Review and How To Install It!

Android OS on a PC? (Remix OS)

Android Development Patterns: Best Practices for Professional Developers (Developer's Library)

“A must read for all developers that want to begin serious Android development.”
—Justin Anderson, Freelance Android Developer

“From start to finish, this book contains a variety of great tips and insight into the most important attributes of Android design. This book will definitely be required reading for any of our future Android engineers.”
—Cameron Banga, Cofounder, 9magnets, LLC

Android Development Patterns: Best Practices for Professional Developers (Developer's Library)

There’s a downside to Android’s amazing openness and versatility: it’s easy for developers to write code that’s inefficient, unreliable, insecure, or hard to maintain. In Android Development Patterns , enterprise Android developer Phil Dutson helps you leverage Android 5.0+’s amazing power without falling victim to those pitfalls. Dutson presents today’s most comprehensive set of patterns and procedures for building optimized, robust apps with Android 5.0+.

First, Dutson guides you through establishing a highly efficient development environment and workflow, and testing your app to ensure that your code works just as you expect. Then, he walks through the modern best practices for structuring apps, using widgets and components, and working with views.

You learn how to build apps that are easy to manage and update, deliver accurate and up-to-date information without wasting precious battery power, and take advantage of new hardware, such as Android Wear and Android TV. Dutson concludes by presenting powerful strategies for optimizing your apps and packaging them for distribution.

Coverage includes
  • Using testing to build more trustworthy, dependable, maintainable apps
  • Understanding subtle but critical differences between Android and traditional Java programming
  • Building consistent, modern user interfaces with views and layouts
  • Leveraging the proven MVC pattern to cleanly organize logic
  • Creating rich visual experiences with 3D graphics, animation, and media
  • Simplifying capture and use of location data with the new Locations API
  • Integrating optional hardware, such as Bluetooth, NFC, or USB
  • Building better apps with Google Play Services
  • Creating Android Wear notifications and apps
  • Tuning and improving apps with Google Analytics
  • Designing Android TV apps for the “ten foot view”

Sunday, February 21, 2016

New phishing campaign targeted to Google Play Developers

It's a warning message shown in Google Play Developer Console:

New phishing campaign targeted to Google Play Developers If you've received an email from 'Developer Support' with the subject line 'Confirm your account,' don't click on links within this message or submit any personal information.

If you clicked any links, please immediately change your password and run anti-virus software on your computer. Report the fake email as 'phishing' via the link below.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Networking All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Networking All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Are you ready to build a network, but aren't sure where to start? Networking All-In-One For Dummies, 6th Edition walks you through the basics. With nine self-contained minibooks that feature the latest updates on networking trends, including revised content for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, as well as updated coverage of broadband technologies, storage, and back-up, this fully-updated text will become your go-to guide for network development. This easy-to-understand guide gives you everything you need to dive into the network development game.

Networking entails the connection of two or more computers, allowing them to share resources and exchange data. This is essential in the workplace, and has become highly popular in home settings as more and more people are connecting their home computers. Whether you're a network administrator or someone who wants to create a home-based network, understanding how to build your network effectively is critical to your success.
  • Learn networking basics, including what a network is and how to build one
  • Understand how to effectively carry out network administration while maintaining high levels of security
  • Explore different types of networking, including wireless and mobile
  • Leverage the most up to date information that covers the latest networking trends and practices
Networking All-In-One For Dummies, 6th Edition is the best-selling resource you need to catch up on the latest networking tools and trends.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Android Database Programming

Exploit the power of data-centric and data-driven Android applications with this practical tutorial Master the skills to build data-centric Android applications Go beyond just code by challenging yourself to think about practical use-cases with SQLite and others Focus on flushing out high level design concepts, before drilling down into different code examples In Detail We live in an increasingly data-centric and data-driven world. On top of that we live in a very mobile-centric world with the rise of Android smart phones and tablet devices and the surge in demand for the Android platform. Along with the demand for more data, there is a demand for efficient, "snappy" applications, and so developers need to have a strong understanding of when different data storage methods are appropriate and when they are not. Mastering how to use these two fields to successfully create a powerful application will help you boost your knowledge and skills in this area. "Android Database Programming" is designed to help developers create and design data-centric mobile applications on Google's Android platform. As the world goes increasingly mobile and as consumers' demand for data-centric applications rises, knowing how to combine the two effectively will become an increasingly important asset to have as a developer. The book starts by looking at the various local data storage methods on Android, and finishes off by examining external databases and ways you can utilize them from within an Android application. This book starts by looking at local data storage methods, focusing on writing SQLite databases for your application and also looking at ways to bind these databases to the user interface. The book, through its practical approach, strives to teach you by examples. Each chapter focuses on flushing out high level design concepts, before drilling down into different code examples. As you continue you will look at external databases

Monday, February 1, 2016

Find debug.keystore and SHA1 in Android Studio

This video show how to find debug.keystore and SHA1 in Android Studio: